Friday, May 27, 2011

VBFS with many changes

The Venice Beach Freak Show Poster has taken on a new look to add depth and inter-connectivity from the areas.  Text in the lower right box has been re-arranged, the banner has added details and shadows and circles are now expansive with bursts.
The turtle, frog and calf all have been updated with added detail.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

RDS First Shot

Add caption
With our target audience of 18-25 year olds (college students) we are looking to

This first image is of a neuclear power plant that looks like it is giving off scary illuminated doses of radiation.  We are going with the slogan of "When  You're Toast" and variations of.  This image was going to work with a "reset" or "extra life" button like on a video game and the RDS identification (or just letters) below it.

While this layout is a possibility, we are looking at something a little bit more closer to "dorm". 

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Venice Beach FreakShow Progress/Updated

The Venice Beach Freak Show ad has undergone some changes that should make it more appealing.

Color for the entire background was added as well as color changes for specific items.

All text was aligned using grid lines. Text in boxes are right or left justified according to the left/right position of each box on the page.
All text stretching was removed and  replaced with spacing between letters.

The banner has gone through some changes including color. shading-lighting contrasts, and a slightly weathered appearance.

The gold/bronze color has be extended to the circular info areas that address admission cost.  The new look give the appearance of currency.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

RDS Project 18-25 yr ' Word Bank 5 03 11

Oops, this got posted on kevinkdigital blog along with the other RDS post.

Understanding that my target group is usually more receptive to copy with 1-5 words (instead of 40-100 words), each word must be as powerful as a sentence or paragraph, and have the ability to help create thought (start a thought process).

For this campaign, any visuals (images) will be used to support the strength of the few words used.

Word Bank(s)
Disaster, catastrophe, melt down, Fiasco, Elmore, accident, mishap

Nueclear disaster, nuke, Fry, Fried, crisp, Toast

Recovery, rescue, save, resolve, make safe, resume, return, restore, refresh, repair, reconfigure, Neutralize, counteract, defuse, deactivate

Lesser negatives, No, don't, avoid, Prevent, Anti, Un, stop, prohibit, obstruct, halt, cease

After, Post

Additional word research would be text abbreviations.

Today the inspiration of a video game button came to me.  I will develop it,

Saturday, April 23, 2011

VBFS , designed with that "safe angle" in mind

The latest in the "Fabulously Freakish" Venice Beach Freak Show is still using a compound grid (but reconfiguired)  and is targeting "local adults that would not ordinarly go to the freakshow". 
 This current design is using the illustrations as the attraction with text inclosed in boxes giving structure and order for our target adults  that do not like to "go outside the box".  The pastell colors used, offer a "safe, non-threatening feeling for our target audience.

The illustration of the "turtle" actually creates the illusion of breaking through it's sphere and enters those "safe" structured text boxes.  With the text in the right hand box, it describs the turtle "sunning itself on California beaches (doesen't everyone want that) and an inviting "Welcome" in yellow text.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Venice Beach FreakShow Progress

After the first critique I went to work on creating the multi-head/legged animals as illustrations.  I have created both a turtle and a frog that I like.  Of course a big part of the project is placement of the pieces and text to create movement and flow.
Currently I have a one nearly completed version that I am working on the color(s) set with.

First draft with illustrations

In the Second version I am trying to create a "banner" to be included as part of the presentation.

Second Draft

The banner is laid flat and of a canvas texture with stitching around the outside edges.  The slogan runs vertically to catch the viewer's attention.  From there to catch more interesting information, one must turn the page to read.  For all those that won't put the effort in to turn the page, there is a Venice Beach and freakshow at the bottom of the vertical page layout.

The Freaky Progress of the Freakshow Project

Mesmorizing Draft (black and white version)
For the Venice Beach Freak Show, the first presentation included pictures  of animals and skeletons from the freak show.  A collage of three photos were used on top of a "mesmorizing circular movement background".  It was first created in color and later converted to black and white (as per project instructions).
In all honesty, I think the color version  captures more excitment than the black and white version.
While I am still having problems uploading any files (have tried AI, Photoshop, JPeg, FNG)  to the blog, I just managed to get this photo up now (4/22/11).

I tried to give it a 70's feel using the two fonts (including Comic Sans)

 The critique suggested that I illustrate the attractions (animals) to create something more in tune with my creative abilities.  Looks like that is what I will be doing.